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Handovers are split into two categories:

Type One

The first type of Handover is suitable for families who are not undergoing contact observation and only require a safe and conductive handover for the child/children. This allows parents and foster carers to handover children for contact without having to meet each other. The handover will be done by our staff. The non-resident parent will then take the child out of the centre for the duration of the visit, returning them back to the centre afterwards where the child/children will be taken by a member of staff and returned to the resident parent or foster carer.

Type Two

The second type of Handover is for families who are undergoing supervised or supported contact sessions and do not want to come into contact with either party. In this situation our staff will ensure a safe handover by separating both parties. A member of staff will take the child/children into the contact room and at the end of the session, return the child to the resident parent or foster carer.